Questions for 2022 Annual Meeting

This year’s Annual Meeting will be on Zoom immediately following the virtual service. Members will be voting on two proposals:

Hiring a Part-Time Minister:
A proposal was made at the PCUUC Town Hall Meeting concerning the hiring of a part-time minister for the PCUUC congregation. The rationale is that a part-time minister would provide congregational leadership, spiritual guidance, education into what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, and a consistent speaking presence to the congregation.

Disruptive Behavior Policy:
At the recent Town Hall Meeting, PCUUC Board member Leslie Piotrowski provided an overview of the Disruptive Behavior Policy that will be voted on at the Annual Meeting. The policy lays out a procedure for actions to be taken if a congregant witnesses or experiences disruptive behavior. Openness to a wide variety of individuals is one of the prime values held by our congregation. If any person’s physical and/or emotional well-being or freedom to safely express their beliefs or opinions is threatened, this policy provides a framework to address it.
Please be specific to allow the Board to respond as fully as possbile. Questions need to be submitted by June 1st for the Annual Meeting on June 5th.


This year’s Annual Meeting will be on Zoom immediately following the virtual service. Members will be voting on two proposals:

Hiring a Part-Time Minister:
A proposal was made at the PCUUC Town Hall Meeting concerning the hiring of a part-time minister for the PCUUC congregation. The rationale is that a part-time minister would provide congregational leadership, spiritual guidance, education into what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, and a consistent speaking presence to the congregation.

Disruptive Behavior Policy:
At the recent Town Hall Meeting, PCUUC Board member Leslie Piotrowski provided an overview of the Disruptive Behavior Policy that will be voted on at the Annual Meeting. The policy lays out a procedure for actions to be taken if a congregant witnesses or experiences disruptive behavior. Openness to a wide variety of individuals is one of the prime values held by our congregation. If any person’s physical and/or emotional well-being or freedom to safely express their beliefs or opinions is threatened, this policy provides a framework to address it.